// ============================================================================ // loan.c: the command-line equivalent of the G-WAN loan.c servlet. // // Just to compare the time taken by a stand-alone loan.c to generate // the loan HTML page to the time taken by G-WAN's loan.c servlet: // // G-WAN loan.c ....... 0.40 ms (G-WAN is 15x faster) // GCC loan.c ....... 5.67 ms // // Since G-WAN relies on GCC to compile C servlets like loan.c, this // 15x difference comes from the G-WAN C API (the only difference). // // Here, there is no concurrency since the loan.c code is executed one // time only. // // Note that in this test, the GCC version is advantaged as it does not // escape HTML, does not parse URI parameters, it calls local functions // instead of the foreign G-WAN API, and the execuatale size if much // smaller (17.2 KiB for the standalone loan executable). // // Compile with: gcc loan.c -O3 -o loan -lrt // Test machine: 6-Core Xeon CPU W3680 @ 3.33GHz, Ubuntu 12.04.1 LTS // ============================================================================ #include #include #include #include typedef signed char s8; typedef unsigned char u8; typedef signed short int s16; typedef unsigned short int u16; typedef signed int s32; typedef unsigned int u32; typedef unsigned long ulong; # ifdef _WIN32 typedef __int64 s64; typedef unsigned __int64 u64; # else # if __WORDSIZE == 64 typedef long int s64; typedef long unsigned int u64; # else typedef long long int s64; typedef long long unsigned int u64; # endif # endif // from gwan.h #define HTTP_200_OK 200 #define HTTP_302_MOVED_TEMPORARILY 302 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- static u64 getus(void) { struct timespec ts; clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &ts); return (ts.tv_sec * 1000000) + (ts.tv_nsec / 1000); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // like atof() -but here you can *filter* input strings ("%16.2f" here) // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- static long double atod(char *p) { u32 sign = 0; while(*p == ' ') p++; // pass space characters switch(*p) { case '-': sign=1; case '+': p++; } long double d = 0.0, factor = 0.1; u32 v, i = 16; // i:the maximum integral part we want to scan while(i && (v=*p) && v >= '0' && v <= '9') // integer part p++, d = 10. * d + (v - '0'), i--; if(*p == '.' || *p == ',') // fractional part { p++; i = 2; // i:the maximum fractional precision we want to scan while(i && (v=*p) && v >= '0' && v <= '9') p++, d += (v - '0') * factor, factor *= 0.1, i--; } return sign?-d:d; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // return the smallest integer greater than 'x' // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- static inline u32 uceil(double x) { u32 ipart = (int)x; if(x - ipart) return(x < 0.0) ? ipart : ipart + 1; else return(ipart); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // raise 'x' to the power of 'p' // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- static inline long double powd(long double x, u32 p) { switch(p) { case 0: return 1; case 1: return x; } long double res = 1; do { // for each bit of power 'p', multiply 'res' by the x^bit factor if(p & 1) // [8421] res *= x; // x^10 = x^8 * x^2 (power=10 is "1010") x *= x, p >>= 1; // get next 'p' bit } while(p); // if(p==1024) 10 iterations, instead of 1024: while(p--) x *= x; return res; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- static char *get_arg(char *search, char **val, int argc, char *argv[]) { int i = argc; while(i--) { int len = strlen(search); if(strstr(argv[i], search)) { *val = argv[i] + len; return argv[i] + len; } } return NULL; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // main() is receiving the query parameters ("csp?arg1&arg2&arg3...") in argv[] // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- int main(void) { int argc = 4; // "/?loan.c&name=Eva%..." URI parameters are already parsed char *argv[] = { "name=Eva", "amount=100000", "rate=3.5", "term=100", 0 }; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // no query parameters were provided, redirect client to "loan.html" // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- if(argc < 2) { static char redir[] = "HTTP/1.1 302 Found\r\n" "Content-type:text/html\r\n" "Location: csp_loan.html\r\n\r\n" "Redirect" "Click here."; puts(redir); return HTTP_302_MOVED_TEMPORARILY; // return an HTTP code } setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "en_US.iso88591"); // get a thousands separator char *ptr; size_t reply_size = 0; FILE *reply = open_memstream(&ptr, &reply_size); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // if we have query parameters, we process a GET/POST form (the same way) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- char *Months[] = {"January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"}; char szName[400] = {0}; double amount, down, rate, term, payment, interest, principal, cost; int month = 0, year = 1, lastpayment = 1; // the form field "names" we want to find values for char *Name = "", *Amount = "0", *Down = "0", *Rate = "0", *Term = "0"; //u64 start = cycles64(); // current CPU clock cycles' counter u64 start = getus(); // elapsed micro-seconds (1 us = 1,000 milliseconds) // get the form field values (note the ending '=' name delimiter) get_arg("name=", &Name, argc, argv); get_arg("amount=", &Amount, argc, argv); get_arg("rate=", &Rate, argc, argv); get_arg("down=", &Down, argc, argv); // amount/percentage paid upfront get_arg("term=", &Term, argc, argv); printf("Name:%s Amount:%s Rate:%s Term:%s\n", Name, Amount, Rate, Term); // all litteral strings provided by a client must be escaped this way // if you inject them into an HTML page //escape_html((u8*)szName, (u8*)Name, sizeof(szName) - 1); strcpy(szName, Name); // but we don't want to display "%20" for each space character { char *s = szName, *d = s; while(*s) { if(s[0] == '%' && s[1] == '2' && s[2] == '0') // escaped space? { s += 3; // pass escaped space *d++ = ' '; // translate it into the real thing continue; // loop } *d++ = *s++; // copy other characters } *d = 0; // close zero-terminated string } // filter input data to avoid all the useless/nasty cases amount = atod(Amount); if(amount < 1) amount = 1; down = atod(Down); if(down > 0) { if(down < 100) // convert the percentage into an amount down = amount * (down / 100.); amount -= down; } rate = atod(Rate); if(rate > 1) { if(rate > 19) // limit the damage... rate = 20; rate /= 100; } else if(rate > 0) rate = 1. / 100.; else rate = .000001; term = atod(Term); if(term < 0.1) term = 1. / 12.; else if(term > 800) term = 800; // calculate the monthly payment amount payment = amount * (rate/12 / (1 - powd(1 / (1 + rate/12), term*12))); cost = (term * 12 * payment) - amount; // build the top of our HTML page fprintf(reply, "" "Loan Calculator" "" "" "

Dear %s, your loan goes as follows:

", (*szName && *szName != '-') ? szName : "client"); fprintf(reply, "" "" "" "" "" "" "
Term%u %s(s)
Cost%'.2F (%'.2F%%)
", amount, rate * 100, ((u32)term)?((u32)term):uceil(12 * term), ((u32)term)?"year":"month", cost, 100 / (amount / cost)); fprintf(reply, "
" "
" "" "" "", year); for(;;) // output monthly payments { month++; interest = (amount * rate) / 12; if(amount > payment) { principal = payment - interest; amount -= principal; } else // calculate last payment { if(lastpayment) { lastpayment = 0; payment = amount; principal = amount - interest; amount = 0; } else // all payments are done, just padd the table { amount = 0; payment = 0; interest = 0; principal = 0; } } fprintf(reply, "" "", month & 1, Months[month - 1], payment, interest, principal, amount); if(month == 12) { if(amount) { month = 0; year++; fprintf(reply, "

" "
" "" "" "", year); } else break; } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // time the process and close the HTML page /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- fprintf(reply, "

This page was generated in %llU CPU clock cycles." "
(on a 3GHz CPU 1 ms = 3,000,000 cycles)" "
", cycles64() - start);*/ fprintf(reply, "
This page was generated in %'.2F ms." "
(on a 3GHz CPU 1 ms = 3,000,000 cycles)" "
", (getus() - start)/1000.0); fclose(reply); // 'ptr' now points to the 'reply' buffer puts(ptr); // let's see the HTML return HTTP_200_OK; // return an HTTP code } // ============================================================================ // End of Source Code // ============================================================================