
Theory vs. Practice

Diagnosis is not the end, but the beginning of practice. Martin H. Fischer

How G-WAN went from 850k RPS (in 2012) to 242m RPS (in 2025)

After 45 years of engineering, I have seen a lot of organizations, platforms, people and programs. I always felt there was a fundamental difference between people (and therefore their speeches and works). I believe that it explains how G-WAN has evolved while all others have stagnated.

In 2009, I wrote G-WAN because none of the available HTTP servers was matching my needs. When I had something to publish (faster, simpler, more reliable) I shared my work as a freeware with my views about what was (and still is) wrong elsewhere.

Then, G-WAN and my paper have trigggered two opposite reactions: a genuine enthousiasm of people thanking me (the kind presumably sharing my needs) – and a jihad of sabotage, censorship and denigration (from... the authors of the sorry state of things):

G-WAN is 453 times faster than Nginx (uncached 100-byte file, Intel Core i9 CPU)

In 2025, G-WAN (242m RPS) is 453 times faster than Nginx (555k RPS) with 10k users, an uncached 100-byte file, on an Intel Core i9 CPU. With such energy and hardware specs, my $1.5k PC is a Cloud.

In 1979, when I started programming in asm, MS-DOS did not exist. End-users, large and small, naturally spent their money only on good things (life is too short to waste time on junk).

In 2009, while I ported G-WAN from Windows (1993) to Linux (1991), G-WAN was my first Linux program. So, I was looking at the source code of some programs (like Nginx) to find what Linux system calls were needed, and how to use them.

  I was stunned by the Nginx source code exceptions handling so many bugs and incompatibilities of GNU LibC and Linux,
  and how Nginx forced end-users to set obscure system options in configuration files, instead of doing it correctly in its code.

Seeing this, I assumed that, given their age, the Linux APIs used by G-WAN (epoll, pthreads, etc.) would be stable (and their bugs fixed) so that G-WAN would run fine in the foreseable future. That was a reasonable assumption. But it was wrong, this is a structural issue:

"(a) Things change too quickly, breaking both open source and proprietary software alike; (b) incompatibility across Linux distributions. This killed the ecosystem for third party developers trying to target Linux on the desktop. You would try once, do your best effort to support the 'top' distro or if you were feeling generous 'the top three' distros. Only to find out that your software no longer worked six months later. We missed the big picture. We alienated every third party developer in the process.

What we did wrong: backwards compatibility, and compatibility across Linux distributions is not a sexy problem. It is not even remotely an interesting problem to solve. Nobody wants to do that work, everyone wants to innovate, and be responsible for the next big feature in Linux.

So Linux was left with idealists that wanted to design the best possible system without having to worry about boring details like support and backwards compatibility. The only way to fix Linux is to take one distro, one set of components as a baseline, abandon everything else and everyone should just contribute to this single Linux."

–Miguel de Icaza, "What Killed the Linux Desktop"

Being wrong might be good – if you bother to correct what's wrong (preferably before imposing what's wrong to the world). But here, for operating systems (an OS is the very basis of any software stack), not many people were eager to recognize their mistakes. And even less people merely tried to correct them – leading to a perpetual, ever-growing mess.

A 30-year old OS (kernel, LibC and other usermode interfaces) should be well-documented, stable and debugged. If it's not the case then you have a very serious management problem. How this could last 3 decades is beyond the unacceptable. Accountability matters: this cumulated incompetence causes hundreds of billion of dollars losses to all end-users, every year.

Worse, the people in charge actively reject any serious contribution fixing the sorry state of things:

When the (theatrical?) C vs Rust religious battle shaked the Linux kernel (at least on online media), I have offered half a dozen prominent directors of the Linux Foundation to donate SLIMalloc because, hey, it's making C "memory-safe" while accelerating the code. Guess what, nobody merely replied.

They claim to be "idealists that want to design the best possible system" but they seem to be asleep at the switch, or mere crooks defending a walled garden of ever-growing, artificially-created backdoors:

"The 'many eyes' of open source are blind, uninterested, or selling to governments for profit."
-Brad Spengler, Open Source Security, Inc. (2012)

Oh. I am not the only one noticing that there's a serious unaddressed problem. This is a long-term war of well-funded legions of people betraying the common-good against anyone doing the job correctly. Their mobile? Follow the money said Brad!

So, instead of hopelessly trying, like Nginx, to cope with an endlessly growing set of system issues (and transfering that cost to end-users), to revive a 2014 ever-crashing G-WAN, I have opted, for a more reliable way to make G-WAN run durably on Linux: static linking. A choice that all Linux distributions (all but Alpine Linux) deny to Linux users: GNU LibC is designed to fail with static-linking (cui bono?).

G-WAN can't force people to use a statically-linked distribution, nor I can link G-WAN statically with musl LibC and yet keep supporting JIT servlets linked to 18 programming languages runtimes using the GNU LibC... except if G-WAN embeds a dynamic module loader and linker (in which case it can work in both cases). But, it's worth nothing that such contorsions are only due to the poor technical choices of the usermode layer of the OS.

Had the dynamic-linking choice been accidental, every distribution would have copied Alpine Linux.
They didn't, proof that this bad choice was not accidental.

How can it be that dynamic-linking, yet another "insult to the human brain", the infamous "the Microsoft Windows DLL Hell", has infiltrated Unix and survived more than 30 years – in an operating system made by people considering themselves as the best of the best?

In 1984, a Turing award reminded us how the U.S. DoD explained in 1973 how to penetrate computer programs "without detection":

"No amount of source-level verification will protect you from using untrusted code."
–Ken Thompson, "Reflections on Trusting Trust", Communications of the ACM, volume 27, number 8, pages 761-763

On Windows and Linux, this vulnerability is enforced by a LibC (or other language runtimes) designed to work only as shared libraries.

Is really the taxpayer happy to see his own money used against him? Would they continue funding the ones betraying him if they had the choice? Certainly not – and that's why the taxpayer is not given a voice about where his money goes!

But there's worse. And this time the imperatives of "Defense" (which is "Offense" in reality) cannot be invoked: it's mere fraud.

Static linking explains how G-WAN has survived the Linux planned obsolescence, but it does not explain G-WAN's massive progress in performance.

While ditching GNU LibC calls I wrote SLIMalloc, a memory allocator that was faster than all others in 2020... on the top of having no "memory-safety" vulnerabilities. Why? Because, surprise-surprise, most of the ever-growing errors affecting G-WAN were "memory-safety" errors (courtesy of GLibC(!) as my 2023 SLIMalloc paper illustrated it in graphic details). GLibC was in good company: all the memory allocators were weaponized: their flaws were well-known and... actively exploited (most of Google Chrome vulnerabilities are memory issues, and Google Android has the largest percentage of memory issues of all OSes).

Linux man pages, XKCD Manual Override

The XKCD "Manual Override", reloaded:
All these years, as I was rewriting some of the many GNU LibC APIs, it was clear that many were redundant and pointlessly complex, involving the memory allocator for no reason, etc. (too many untrustworthy, technically-unjustifiable design choices).

Like two decades earlier (when I revisited "secure" protocols and encryption standards) this made me increasingly doubt of the will of the people in charge to work for the common-good: it was not clear if half-backed kernel features like epoll(7), aio(7) or io_uring (praised for merely delivering 10% gains in corner cases) resulted from sheer incompetence, or from a plan to waste even more of people's time and increase their learned helplessness.

G-WAN has made this giant leap in performance, durability and security by questioning the operating system – and by avoidng its many traps designed to keep us captive and impotent.

Nobody was helping me, nobody was eager to pay me, and myriads of trolls were sabotaging, censoring and denigrating my work, many of them appointed by our governments. Two decades without revenues have left my family in a difficult situation, reducing my business options, our kids' options and their future.

Like Galileo Galilei (1564-1642) hitting a wall of denial erected by his astronomers peers funded by religious authorities, I have been targeted by the "Holly Inquisition" condemning my achievements for contradicting their gospel. My only sin was to do the right thing. Shame on the many that have used State-powers and public money to hurt me, block progress, and hide their criminal acts.

Back to the OS planned obsolescence.

If you discover that you need this list of endless workarounds (say, to keep a program working despite constant system changes), then this information may have value (especially when disclosed before the gratuitous system changes are deployed).

You may consider paying for it. But then you will depend on someone (who has demonstrated a natural inclination for blackmail and crookery). By merely delaying your access to this list, this someone can raise prices or eradicate your business, by the press of a button. Further, having paid for something without any guaranteed value, you will have no recourse against the crooks.

Since this list is constantly obsoleted by new arbitrary modifications and trivial bugs, then it does not look like technical progress at all. It's a cheap trick to keep the competition at bay: only the ones at the switch will be able to make their programs working at all times... because, well, they are the ones that have created the problems in the first place.

As SLIMalloc has demonstrated, the so-called "security" industry generates its revenues exactly in the same deceptive way – with a never-ending trap and never through progress: on the contrary, as time goes the security market grows exponentially, demonstrating the inefficience of eye-wateringly expensive "security" products which themselves are... injecting critical vulnerabilities! (Kaspersky and Symantec show that this is an international issue). Light is the best disinfectant.

The open-source ecosystem (GNU, Linux) did not invent crookery: since day one, Microsoft had a very similar system in place, and Remote-Anything (TWD's 1998 first product, with 280m licenses deployed in 138 countries) had to replace several Win32 API and LibC calls on a weekly basis to merely stay alive (making the executable file grow, yet run faster, and more reliably).

RA was surviving – thus the need for the Microsoft VIA (Virus Information Alliance) well-funded proxies, and later for Windows "Defender", to eradicate the (from their point of view undesirable) competitors that do not directly contribute to Microsoft revenues by paying a tax to merely see their programs survive... an operating system acting like an ever-reconfigured mines field.

Microsoft IIS miserably dying at birth, on a mosdest load

The exponential scale of this 2009 benchmark allows to understand why Microsoft Windows "Defender" felt the urge to erase G-WAN... 3 days after a conference call with 5 Microsoft directors eager to buy the G-WAN source-code to improve abysmal Microsoft IIS v7+ performance.

Microsoft operates as a criminal organization – read the U.S. DoJ findings (they can't "debunk" officially collected evidences, so they bribe officials to erase public records or to avoid DoJ sanctions).

According to the rule of law, all of these tactics are criminal, and if the laws were applied then these illegal behaviors would disappear overnight. That's why officials are paid for the laws not to be applied – or only with symbolic sanctions (immediately compensated by golden subsides, public and private investments, and recurring public contracts).

The result of destroying competition is more expenses for end-users (G-WAN allows you to do more with less, and that's why it has been illegally deleted by Windows, and ousted from the market by coordinated sabotage, censorship and denigration).

It is worth noting that this tactic used to deceive others does not require much talent (nor efforts) – and so, most probably, it explains its success among the people cumulating limited intellects, skills, and respect for commonly-praised human values – these values designed to let people live together (you shall not murder, steal, lie, etc.) instead of constantly killing each-other (a sterile zero-sum game).

Even worse, unlike others, the people-naturally-inclined-to-cheat (rather than to perform themselves) are now in charge to manage others, and their addiction for undue honors is encouraged by a string of easy (yet self-defeating) successes that invariably leads them to even more limited intellects, skills, and respect for human values. Tip: these characteristics are most often a reliable way to spot them, this and their endless desire to eradicate (instead of seizing an opportunity to learn) anyone doing better.

If you wonder where all the money of the OS vendors ($6Tn) comes from, they are a publicly-funded and protected racket:

  • closed-source forces its "strategic partners" to "Pay the Bill to enter the Gates" [a $20m entry ticket for the long-secret "Native APIs"] (for free, they can enjoy a free promenade on their minefield, with Windows "Defender" killing the survivors),
  • open-source charges "consulting fees" for complete, up-to-date documentation (for free, your will see your perfectly working programs miserably die, and discover month if not years later why and how it has been sabotaged by arbitrary system changes).
  • closed-source and open-source are a distinction without a difference.

These two business-models claim to compete – but they rely on the exact same treacherous tactics to stay in power.
Like political parties, they form one single ecosystem made of many well-funded organs, the fake, controlled opposition.
Like cyber-security: SLIMalloc was censored and denigrated by the CTO of a cyber-security, U.S. Defense contractor.

This same scam rules all the domains of our society (a toxic placebo is sold as a false cure to an artificially created problem).

From time to time, the scam it exposed for what it is, when headless chicken "experts" present themselves publicly as THE reference to consult (at a price, obviously: "free-software" is free, but not the information about how to make it run, properly, or durably).

To promote themselves, they often form alliances with other unfair people, and help each-other by constantly attacking their mutual competitors, but most of the time they are just mercenaries available for hire. Microsoft "Evangelims is War" is famous for how such toxic ecosystems have been created and endlessly funded (despite being totally illegal):

"Evangelism is War", a 1997 "Microsoft confidential" document, was written to train Microsoft employees about how to bribe journalists, consultants and academic sources to have them publish... biased information.
More "Microsoft confidential" papers came later to fill some blank areas and many more documents, like emails, were seized by the U.S. antitrust authorities.
Here are some enlightening excerpts (light is the best disinfectant):

 "The elements of evangelical infrastructure are conference presentations, magazine articles
  (media press), white-papers etc (pseudo technical reviews) and they start hitting the streets
  at the start of the 'Slog'. They should be numerous so as to push all the shelf.

 Working behind the scenes to orchestrate 'independent praise of our technology, and damnation
 of the enemies' is a key evangelism function during the Slog.

 'Independent' consultants should write columns and articles, give conference presentations and
 moderate stacked panels, all on our behalf (and setting them up as experts in new technology,
 available for just $200 hour).

 A stacked panel on the other hand is like a stacked deck. It's stacked with people, who, on
 the face of things should be neutral, but who are in fact strong supporters of our technology.

 'Independent analysts' reports should be issued, praising your technology and damming the
 competitors (or ignoring them).

 'Independent' academic sources should be cultivated and quoted (and research money granted)."

Their proudly say that "the Matrix has you" because that's an invisible, endless trap and most among us do not even suspect it's there.

  Such treacherous tactics, when funded by big money, leave little room for merit, if any, hence their constant shameless lies.

As a direct consequence, the quality of all financially-successful technologies and products falls – like the know-how and even the Temple of Knowledge (private and public academic research) is corrupted from top to bottom. In the total lack of sanctions because the authorities were selected and/or paid to look elsewhere, it is not accidental that the worldwide 2019 health crisis has been yet another perfect execution of this lame tactic (by the same people): if constant sabotage has worked on software, why not do it to humans?

A Self-Evaluated 'expert', aiming to make the form match the function (HAProxy's Willy Tarreau photo ranking first on three search engines)

The most sneaky ones pick an inactive or retired target (a kind that rarely retaliates) feeling that they are immune from judicial measures.

I have been really busy working hard for a while. They, instead, troll competitors, an activity consuming almost all their agenda, hence the poor progress of their products: Nginx, like all the other servers listed on Wikipedia, are hundred times slower than G-WAN!

That's how I learned about Willy Tarreau (HAProxy), a self-evaluated, well-promoted "expert", aiming to make the form match the function.

March 2017 comments about a 2016 Web servers benchmark made by... "Jarrod Farncomb" on March 9, 2016:

Willy Tarreau March 3, 2017 at 9:34 am (coming a year later)

Jarrod, your sysctls are completely bogus I'm sorry :

– tcp_mem counts in pages, not bytes so you allocated 114 GB of RAM to the TCP stack
– somaxconn is 16 bits so 100000 doesn't fit, is rejected and either the default 128 stays
(recent kernels) or only the lowest 16 bits are used (34k)
– tcp_rmem and tcp_wmem default values cause the system to try to allocate 30MB for the read and write buffer upon each accept/connect, that results in disastrous perfs.
– tcp_tw_recycle must NEVER be set (never ever) otherwise you'll randomly see some fantom sockets closed on your client but still established on the server, causing jerky traffic spikes.
– the other ones are clearly random values padded with zeroes

Also it's not mentionned whether or not you properly stopped iptables and unloaded conntrack modules (nor if you left it without tuning it). You cannot claim to correctly compare products with such settings, these bogus settings add a huge amount of randomness in your measures. I'm not surprized Valentin got much better values. The problem is that some people with copy-paste your settings for their production servers and report issues to the product vendors.

Jarrod March 3, 2017 at 9:46 am

That's possible, I didn't create them after all. I believe I used the same settings defined here:

This was because I came across G-WAN initially which is what peaked my interest in performing my own tests.

To be honest I can't remember the specifics like iptables as this was over a year ago, however it would have been the same on all tests, and as long as that is the case then I believe the comparison between them all is still valid in this aspect.

Additionally I advise not using these settings in production in the post and state that they were only modified for benchmark purposes.

I'm more than happy to take advice from an obvious professional in this area such as yourself before I perform future testing, feel free to advise me on all correct settings that I should use.

Willy Tarreau March 3, 2017 at 10:29 am

Wow, gwan being a server vendor they have zero excuse for doing these huge mistakes! I thought they were doing serious stuff now I have the proof that they don't know what they're talking about when it comes to performance, which they claim is their main differenciator. –Willy Tarreau (HAProxy)

The horrendous charge of Willy Tarreau (HAProxy) is not only factually (1) misattributed and (2) misplaced, it is also totally (3) gratuitous (G-WAN did not compete with HAProxy). But the delay between the questions and answers is odd: one year after the blogpost, Jarrod answers to Willy's comment in 12 minutes (other users get answers in days, not minutes, except for a few comments of people suggesting, under obvious pseudonyms carrying their own message, that other HTTP servers should be tested).

Even more revealing, my reply correcting the false, injurious statement of Willy Tarreau (HAProxy) was censored by "Jarrod" the blog author... who removed the real sysctls authors from his blog. Was it the same neutral and benevolent "Jarrod" that was so elegantly calling G-WAN "a piece of shit" to justify censoring it on Wikipedia and WikiVS?

How trustworthy are all these publication edited by anonymous authors and contributors that promote crap and censor good things?
Why do they need, every single time, to use "bad words" and lies? Could they lack technical arguments?

This kind of fake or complacent blogs, inconditional opportunistic collaboration in anti-competitive activities, or secret lucrative collusion against anyone doing better, allows them to pretend that they are genuinely working for the common good (rather than endlessly spreading Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt about a competitor, on gazillions of such blogposts, papers, magazines, conferences, etc.):

  1. G-WAN quoted sysctls from Intel Reseach (the ones that Willy Tarreau states "they don't know what they're talking about")
  2. [use Ctrl+F to search "Corporation" on today's page] [or on the 2012 Web Archive of this page]
    # "Performance Scalability of a Multi-Core Web Server", Nov 2007
    # Bryan Veal and Annie Foong, Intel Corporation, Page 4/10

    fs.file-max = 5000000

    G-WAN took these kernel options from pertinent Intel Research (Ctrl+F "fs.file-max"):

    Willy Tarreau most probably knew that, in 2016, Intel was the main contributor of the Linux kernel.
    So, finally, G-WAN was right since 2009. And Willy Tarreau (HAProxy) publicly wrote what he knew was blatant lies – at the expense of the disinformed HTTP solutions buyers that he feels a duty to deceive and abuse – instead of trying to become better and match G-WAN, the target of his groundless denigration.

  3. What Willy Tarreau (HAProxy) has incorrectly called a "huge mistake" did not come from G-WAN, nor from Intel engineers. The "huge mistake" came from the author of HAProxy, a consultant that presents himself as a "Linux kernel expert" but yet was not competent enough to know that kernel settings (their ranges of valid values and their units) have changed between 2007 and 2016 (or he knew very well but faked to not understand – assuming that his readers would not be able to contradict him – and, miraculously, he was right: my reply was not published by the blog author).

  4. Why Willy Tarreau, author of the very slow and unsafe HAProxy, felt the need to make such an outrageous lie to merely publicly tarnish the unrelated but very fast and safe G-WAN remains an open question (cui bono?)... but as his above photo shows, after getting an academic degree, he became an independant consultant, and is a well-promoted conference speaker by a well-funded media ecosystem including Youtube publishing dozens of his videos.
    Someone has to pay for all that circus. And this someone certainly wants a return on investment. So, instead of being censored like many others, Willy Tarreau, despite his disastrous skills, is promoted by the GAFAM... the ones that have censored RA, G-WAN and SLIMalloc.

These contents, which are denigration campaigns under the disguise of legitimate blogs, are then indexed by search engines (owned by the GAFAM). Their goal since 2009 is to hit G-WAN revenues, by (a) someone pretending to bring better information, and (b) abusing anyone not having the time (and/or the skills) to spot the lies.

This is not an accident, this is a well-funded criminal system:

Wikipedia and WikiVs list dozens of HTTP servers and Application servers, yet G-WAN, like SLIMalloc, has been constantly censored from all the platforms (Wikis, the G-WAN forum restarted 3 times from scratch -when reaching 5k users- was deleted by its hosting companies, LinkedIn, Wordpress, Blogger, Stackoverflow erased my account 3 times and deleted thousands of Q&As, our dedicated symmetric leased lines were broken-down 2-3 times a week despite 24/365 SLAs with MCI-Worldcom, our pre-paid Press adds were showing competitor products, our domain-names were hijacked by VeriSign during months on servers promoting competitors, Digital-River acquired 5 credit-card platforms we used for online sales - and each time they have redirected our customers to competitor sites, selling our brands as keywords Google redirected Web searches for our products to our competitors, RA and G-WAN were erased by anti-virus products claiming that these "commercial products are not viruses", etc.).

Some falsely claim that "Uncle Sam" is the guilty – this is false: while the NSA, FBI and the DoD have often participated to this scam (of censoring the best and promoting junk), they are funding and defending one single international community – against the interests of the U.S. taxpayer (forced to subside and consume the junk that kills them).

While he was begging me not to denounce him, Per Buer (Varnish CEO) (a slow and usafe proxy server, like HAProxy) confessed to me by email that he had deleted G-WAN dozens of times per day on such platforms... under several fake anonymous accounts using the TOR Web browser (aka the "Dark Web", a tool funded by the U.S. Navy) to hide his IP address.

Per Buer and Willy Tarreau are not living in USA. They don't contribute to the U.S. economy. Yet, their treacherous business is protected and promoted by civil servants paid by U.S. public money.

Their recurring argument is that "G-WAN is a very un-notable software which has no value". Certainly, their censorship helps to keep good things unknown, as only the bad things are enjoying the right to exist. These guys make sub-standard products, yet most of them are millionnaires – and all of them enjoy endless promotion on Wikipedia, Youtube and LinkedIn.

Whoever is at the switch, you are doing it wrong. Wrong for encouraging your community of robbers to become ever-incompetent and for robbing the taxpayer by selling the worse possible products – at the expense of all end-users.

How competent and trustworthy are Per Buer ( CEO), Willy Tarreau ( CEO) or William Woodruff ( CTO) and their well-funded peers (promoted by Wikipedia and the GAFAM) in comparison to G-WAN (denigrated and censored)?

G-WAN is 453 times faster than Nginx (uncached 100-byte file, Intel Core i9 CPU)
  • no Web/cache/proxy/application servers made significant progress,
  • sold $670m in 2019, Nginx is slower in 2025 than G-WAN 2012,
  • G-WAN 2025 is several orders of magnitude faster than in 2012.

It is so caricatural that it all looks like theater.

The level of financial and scientific fraud is absolutely striking. And the taxpayer fits the bills to pay for their ever-growing scams and extravagances.

Yet, the impunity is total, and the worse players are endlessly funded to denigrate the very best.

According to the "Jarrod" benchmark commented by Willy Tarreau, G-WAN was much faster in 2012 on a 8-Core CPU than all the new servers he tested in 2016 on a dual-CPU 12-Core machine (5 years later).

The second time, G-WAN was not tested because, surprise-surprise, "Jarrod" wrote that G-WAN was crashing (thanks to the constant OS patches and updates).

For the OS vendors, it was unacceptable to let the readers link the dots. An alternative explanation was needed. That's why Willy Tarreau falsely asserted that G-WAN (while in reality that was INTEL Corporation)... "as a server vendor they have zero excuse for doing these huge mistakes! I thought they were doing serious stuff now I have the proof that they don't know what they're talking about when it comes to performance, which they claim is their main differenciator".

There's something rotten in all the financed industry: too much money consistently going to the wrong persons, for the worse reasons:

Tricks and treachery are the practice of fools, that don't have brains enough to be honest.
Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790)

The ultimate result of shielding men from the effects of folly is to fill the world with fools.
Herbert Spencer (1820-1903)

I have presented some useful information about the I.T. industry, and shared rare knowledge acquired first-hand, the hard way. I hope that you are now able to see how and why theere are two distinct classes of people, why and how they are different in nature, and why the promotion of good works is so rare that nobody can find them.

I have been working for more than 45 years in this industry, and I can tell you that this is not accidental. This is a method:

Mushrooms' law:
1. keep them in the dark,
2. cover them with shit,
3. cut them at the knee when they are growing.

The world can be a better place – but only if the constant taxpayer-funded lies are excluded from the equation.