
Source Code Insurance

The best way to predict the future is to invent it. Alan Kay

To Secure your Investment on G-WAN...

People came to us and said: "we are facing new challenges that require us to use the most scalable solutions and, of course, would love using G-WAN for these new projects but...

  • what if you change your mind and go sailing on the seven seas?
  • what if TrustLeap is acquired and G-WAN no longer maintained?
  • how can we partner with you without visibility on G-WAN's future?"

G-WAN's "Software Insurance" lets startups and incumbents make strategic investments, hire C programmers and open new lines of credit for projects that rely on G-WAN.

So, to Secure your Investment on G-WAN...

...Buy G-WAN's Source Code!

For the cost of maintaining the service, we will prepare two personalized files for each insured user:

  • an encrypted version of G-WAN's (fully commented) source code,
  • and your personal decryption key.

To start, you will only get one file. And if G-WAN is no longer maintained (whoever owns it) then you will have access to both files.

The source code is personalized and encrypted with a different key for each user. This allows to find the source of a leak if the source code is released outside of the organization which has paid for it (this insurance is not a transfer of Copyrights ownership – this is a non-transferable source code license granting insured users internal use only).

A Zero-Risk Protection

This insurance will only enter into action if nobody is maintaining G-WAN (whether this is G-WAN's original author, G-WAN's Copyrights owner, or an independent organization is irrelevant).

So, whatever happens, insured users will have secured their access to G-WAN's source code, responding to the need of securing long-term projects.

G-WAN is a safe investment because it has a unique position in the future:

  • G-WAN initiates technologic advances that public/private research are working on for decades with moderate results,
  • with a future made of multi-Cores, vendors will need to make well-performing parallelized applications widely available,
  • software development has switched from the Desktop to the Web, Cloud, SaaS and private Grids – and all rely on servers.

As a result, even if G-WAN was no longer maintained by TrustLeap, many volunters (G-WAN's competitor, software companies, potential large-scale G-WAN users) would more than likely be lining-up to fill the gap.

In the case of an acquisition of G-WAN's Copyrights, the new owner would be the best promotional player of parallelized architectures, and therefore a desirable partner for Intel, AMD, ARM, IBM and Oracle. This fact alone should sustain the disponibility of the product – whether TrustLeap or someone else maintains it.

But, playing the devil's advocate, there are other possibilities:

  • a new owner keeps G-WAN for its internal use (Cloud, SaaS), capitalizing on G-WAN's competitive advantage forever,
  • a new owner markets G-WAN as a new closed-source Web server, making profit from G-WAN's unique value for years,
  • a new owner open-sources G-WAN, to widely spread parallelism programming techniques, benefiting to CPU vendors?

BigCos are used to killing new acquisitions and today's fierce competition for proprietary Web servers and Clouds certainly makes a few points for a keep-it-all-indoor strategy.

In the two first cases above, G-WAN's "insured" subcribers will definitely have a plus in the process: reducing the uncertainty of seing the supply of G-WAN coming to a brutal end. This would not be the first time that innovation is not promoted to protect the revenues of less efficient product-lines (Oil is a good example).

Notes: This service is reserved to subscribers of the 'Enterprise' plan or higher. Only users with good-standing annual insurance subscription benefit from the insurance (being insured for a year in the past does not cover the risk for future years). To qualify, renewals, must take place during the first 30 days of the order's aniversary date. Payments received after G-WAN is not maintained do not grant the guaranty. Like for a C compiler, the term 'maintained' means that no more support is provided for G-WAN, not necessarily that no more features are added: ideally, G-WAN will reach one day the point where no more features will be needed because G-WAN's interfaces let people customize it at will (then 'support' will merely be needed to correct bugs or support major tech shifts, if any, and G-WAN's author will be more than happy to focus on G-WAN based applications: G-WAN's purpose in the first place).